LSH BEST Builders Sdn. Bhd.

Formerly known as Lim Seong Hai Construction (M) Sdn Bhd, LSH BEST Builders was recently acquired by Lim Seong Hai Capital Berhad (“LSH Capital”) in October 2021. LSH BEST Builders is principally engaged in the business of construction and is spearheaded by the directors of LSH Capital Group. With their total combined 170 years' experience, LSH BEST Builders operates under the BEST framework, allowing the LSH Capital Group to streamline and expand its technical expertise and capabilities in the construction industry. LSH BEST Builders create synergy and competitive advantage to the LSH Capital Group and enable the provision of construction related value-added services to clients under the BEST Framework. The integration of the construction-related segment into the LSH Capital Group is to gain control of the value chain in the construction projects for easy coordination in executing projects in line with the BEST Framework
LSH Best Builders also has a 70% stake in LSH Service Master Sdn Bhd, a company that operates and provides maintenance management services for Kuala Lumpur Tower.